Jun 24, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond


Before my life turned shitty, and everything turned to crap (yes, everything! Well no; work is, surprising, my happy place right now.. ), I used to live in Golden Bay. I, too, went to the Place Of Picking Up Heavy Things And Putting Them Down Again, but early in the mornings. Then... I would continue to the end of the road and, because it was Golden Bay, and because I could, I works go for a swim in the sea. It was glorious!! Being able to cool off after the gym, plus having the WHOLE BEACH to myself... 🙌💚🎉

And I'd get home, have a hot cuppa tea in my hands, and it wouldn't even be 8am yet. Brilliant war to start the day.

Nowadays, after Everything Turned To Shit, I'm living in a shitty 2 bed apartment in a crummy suburb of Ōtautahi... 😕 But a cold shower brings back visceral memories of my Glorious Past.

Preach, brother.

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Ugh, I'm sorry you're having a hard time Jon! If taking a cold shower is helping, then I'm happy to hear it. (And hopefully, if the gym is something that helps, you've got a way to get amongst that too.)

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond

I'm so lucky that I live a 5 minute walk from my nearest ocean!! Once the weather starts getting a *tiny* bit warm (I live in Massachusetts) my immediate first thought is GET IN THE WATER 😅! I know so many people who hate the thought of swimming in the ocean. Like it actually scares them! I can understand being afraid of the open ocean in general but it's such a relaxing thing for me! The sea breeze, the rush of the waves, the smell of salt, I love it all!

On the subject of cold showers, I *litetally* just took one (because I have vivid color in my hair and it's best to wash in cold water so the color doesn't fade) and I can confirm I do feel much better afterwards whenever I do :). It's so strange that something so simple like taking a cold shower can do such wonders for us!

Came over here from Webworm! Great piece, Josh! 😀

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Ok i love this brand of self improvement content. I have been wanting to try winter ocean swimming but even though I live relatively close to the sea the logistics overwhelmed me. And I also hate it when the hot water runs out. But I will give cold showers a go and if I hate it I will not do it again. It really is that simple apparently.

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Ok I tried this and it was really great, which for some reason was very annoying to me. One of your questions was ‘but what if i like it??’

Anyway but I have kept doing it so thanks so much for not letting the bros steal this one from us.

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Very pleased to hear it! At this rate I'll have half the comments section reluctantly enjoying cold showers :D

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond

Another great article there Josh. You have inspired me to try cold showers and I was very surprised to find that I do in fact get something out of them even though I mostly strive to avoid discomfort in my life. Having a warm shower first is the thing that makes it work for me. I love the FAQ too.

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Good. Gooooood. Let the cold flow through you.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond

I've tried cold showers and didn't really like them, so didn't continue, but I didn't make an association with something that I like so that's worth considering...

I also actually live very close to the ocean but don't swim as often as I would like to! There's been so much rain these past few months as well and that puts me off - the thought of all the illness-making germs that have been washed off the land and down the rivers 😬 But that's no excuse for not swimming when it's been fine! Food for thought.

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While I personally do not enjoy the feel of water on my skin unless it is at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit, I’m happy that cold showers are beneficial for you, bring back memories of the ocean, and can be divorced from pseudoscientific claims made about them in the manosphere (cold showers are a popular recommendation within the anti-masturbation circles as a way to curb desire).

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023Author

Oh man I forgot about using them to stop wanking! Amazing things, cold showers. They simultaneously increase testosterone AND curb any increased sexual desire from having higher testosterone. Truly a panacea. You'd be mad to do them just because you liked them.

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I just bought some puffer pants so absolutely not.

However. I do love ocean swimming and there is nothing quite so meditative as jumping over the waves on a loud ragey beach (in summertime). I do see people swimming in the ocean in winter and part of me wishes I could do it also. Maybe I should try. Maybe. I’ll think about it.

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When I would get caught up in a frenzy of anxiety, my therapist suggested I try splashing my face with cold water - not the same as coke showers but I found that life changing and very helpful!

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Hey, I'm really glad you found that helpful. Perhaps there's something similar going on for me with cold showers - I find them really useful for anxiety as well. It seems to make sense physiologically, I imagine an inner monologue going something like "Man, remember that time you said that thing and it was embarrassing? So embarrassing. God, the embarrassment OH SHIT! What the fuck? Why am I suddenly freezing? That's it, I'm out, I've got bigger fish to fry. We will resume again in an hour."

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Awesome article! I so miss living near the beach. I'd definitely agree that there's something in the being near the seaside, or even dipping your feet.

I used to love going swimming at the beach, starting labour weekend & finishing around Easter, but now, if I holiday back to where I grew up (Mt Maunganui/Papamoa/in between) or even coromandel, I struggle to get into the water without someone else swimming with me (stupidly).

Definitely helping me be open to going swimming in winter - and trying the odd morning shower finish in cold. Thanks Josh!

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Begging my brain to have that 5 gum moment in my current cold showers (thanks no-show plumbers and a lazy real estate agent) but I do 100% feel that pull to the cold ocean. Ironically living in the New England North West of NSW Australia, my best options are dams that have blue-green algae outbreaks a little too often for my liking. A local spa/therapy place does have cryo, but so far I’ve just been using the floatation sessions which seeeem to be providing a nice break from thinking for my mind!

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Floating can be pretty great eh? Sorry to hear about the plumbing situation, but I think it's worth making the best of a forced cold shower situation if you can. Something I forgot to mention is that (like most people, probably) I used to hate cold showers. If we ran out of hot water or something went weird with the plumbing I'd be out of there like a shot. It wasn't until I made the connection with something I liked - ocean swimming - that I started to like cold showers as well. I didn't want to labour the point, but it's funny how a slight shift in mindset can change a lifetime habit. I'm hoping I can do the same thing with the gym, now I'm going again.

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I sometimes reminisce about being a child, even a teenager, and never being cold in the water. I swam at Waihi Beach all year regardless of weather, hot or cold, sunny or rainy. I never didn't want to get in. It would be nice to get back to that. I still live in a beach town and there's a group of people here who ocean swim all year round. This post makes me think maybe I should join them!

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I can remember getting *really* cold as a kid while swimming but still not wanting to get out. Must run in the family: my granddad took quite a lot of pride and joy from year-round swimming. If there's a crew of people in your town who make a point of it and they seem like good sorts I can't see many downsides in joining them!

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Matauri Bay represent! Fellow Kerikerian here, spent many hours in the water there in my child/teen years also, hi Josh! 🙂 Great piece, you've reminded me to start the cold shower buzz again!

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Have you seen The Thermalist? It’s a Substack all about this from someone who studies it: https://open.substack.com/pub/susannasoeberg?r=1rnyv6&utm_medium=ios

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deletedJun 25, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond
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Ha, I love that you gave this a go! This is very anecdotal but I've found that I find cold exposure a lot easier and I'm a lot less prone to getting the shivers and such since I started doing the cold shower thing. Try it for a week, maybe? You'll have a pretty good idea of if it works for you or not by the time seven days is up.

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deletedJun 25, 2023Liked by Josh Drummond
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I may not have mentioned that I pretty frequently hop out of the (cold) shower chuckling like a loon. Pleased that your results are similar. Continue the research.

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